13 thoughts on “Thoughts on Internal Social Networking – LocalGovCamp

  1. We have been experimenting with Yammer internally (like twitter on steroids for organisations) to collaborate between our web editorial and web development teams (in different locations) to record ‘what are you working on’. It has real benefits for collaboration and saving time/money. We have found it useful to check in where requests are up to and ask questions, raise debates etc. not easily done by email or through our ict call centre.

    One issue raised has been the duplication of tools. With so many social media tools cropping up for enterprise use do we use these or plug in/develop applications in SharePoint for example?

    One of our main objectives for the intranet is to help people do their jobs more effectively. So I think as you say the focus has to be ‘Gerry McGovern’ task based with a strong business case. Thanks for post it’s given me food for thought…

    1. I think each person will need to understand the ICT direction within their organisation in order to make an effective choice. Bluekiwi integrates with sharepoint and in my early evaluation actually adds value to it.

      I see sharepoint as a repository for documents and collaboration around documents and bluekiwi as a way to collaborate around ideas and conversations. A very BIG and fundamental difference in the two products.

      My experience is that people want to be able to do both collaborate on stuff as well as capture and develop conversations.

      1. Thanks Carl for this post and the tip about Bluekiwi and SharePoint integration. We have been using SharePoint for a while on various early adopter projects. However I’ve always been very underwhelmed by the collaboration features that come out of the box. I’m keen to find something that has more of a web 2.0 feel and better interaction design. So I’m looking forward to reading more on your experiences and checking out the tool myself!

  2. Great read! Now that you are on what would be the six month mark of your project I would be interested to hear how it is going. I agree that having an internal custom social network both the employees and the business at large stand to benefit. It fosters a true sense of teamwork and collaboration and increases productivity. Best of luck!

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